Christie Blatchford's take on diets in Saturday's Globe and Mail is worth reading if you need a little inspiration. She shares personal details of her journey to lose 22 pounds with humour and without judgement. She treated the task of losing weight much like she probably treats a project at work. That is a helpful approach.
The headline and byline describe quite succinctly a way of thinking that works for her. "You have a choice: Be fat or be thin. Both have their pitfalls. If you want to be thin, you have to eat with discipline, exercise and maintain constant vigilance. But it is better than the alternative."
Would a similar way of thinking help you? It is well proven that how you think about your choices and weight loss affects how you feel about them. And how you feel definitely influences how you act.
Someone who thinks and feels that they should be able to eat 3 candy bars a day and be healthy will make very different choices than someone who thinks and feels that 3 candy bars a week is healthy.
Christie Blatchford closes the article with some wishful thinking around one of her challenges. She attends a lot of meal functions and picks up coffee when she is hungry. She reflects that it would be nice if these functions had better choices and portions so that she did not need to use so much discipline and vigilance.
I hope she follows up in a year and reflects on her ongoing story of keeping the weight off. Based on successes of many of my clients, the job gets easier. She will not longer work so hard to avoid "those overgrown cakey muffins". Her thinking and feeling about them will have changed again.
Congratulations Ms. Blatchford and thank you for sharing your story. I think it will help many people.
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